Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Social O #2

I've started recording the strength, sentiment, passion, and reach for Obama on Social Mention, as well as the same for Boehner and Palin. After the jump are graphs, the first of which is of stats for Obama and the other four are for each stat individually, tracking all three terms (Obama, Boehner, Palin). It is difficult to draw conclusions from these findings yet, as I have only been tracking the stats for five days. However, there are some trends that I see.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Social O #1

President Obama sailed into office in part on his and his staff's ability to understand the proclivities of the young and the plugged in. Playing no small part was his web presence. However, his web presence is decidedly, predictably, and understandably no longer as compelling now that he is President. How is he faring the web's infinite jungle?

So this is Part 1 and it is going to address my opinion of President Obama's social media presence. It will study how the President's presence affects voters' proclivities rather than how well it informs citizens. It is neither a definitive study nor a purely statistical analysis. It is primarily how I, as a voter and Obama supporter, feel about the President's presence, although there is research to support my biased opinions. In future analyses, I will take a more objective approach, but I feel that to introduce this study to myself and yourself, it is important to understand this as a member of the target audience rather than as a theoretical outside observer.

Argument Key (in case you get lost):

1. Introduction

2. First impression after Addictomatic etc... searches

3. Why the President's social media isn't permeating the most common debate threads

4. Is this lack of permeation good, bad, or in between?

5. Potential for improvement